Saturday, August 8, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009

Freshmen Biology Day Two

1. Ten Questions concerning what did you do this summer?
2. Continue with Class Syllabus
3. Listen to Levine Podcast (link found below).
4. Begin Scientific Method

Freshmen Biology Day One

1. QOD: What is Biology? Answer on note card.
2. Write personal contact information on QOD note card.
3. Class Syllabus (if time allows).

Swine Flu (H1N1) Vaccine

The topic of vaccines will be discussed in detail during the second semester of Biology, but since the news medias report on the Swine Flu (H1N1) every day I thought it would be a topic of interest to discuss on this blog. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) are working together with the World Health Organization (WHO) to oversee the creation of the Swine Flu Vaccine. As I write this post, Swine Flu Vaccine trials are being conducted in the United States. Without efficient safety studies and with disregard for for short-term and long-term adverse events that will arise from the global use of this vaccine, the vaccine will be pushed onto the market very shortly. My suggestion is to "Educate Before You Vaccinate." Here are a couple of websites with video links that will help with education part. Enjoy and if you wish, please leave comments.